Welcome to multibreast!

This site houses some of the finest multibreast art around. If you’re looking for artists who are willing to grace girls with more than two mounds, visit artists for hire. If you’d like to read, we have several stories on tap and, if you like to chat, check out our discord channel.

Recent Stories

Updated 7 years ago

300 Moons

James clicked the deadbolt into place.  He was done.  It had been a long, long Friday.  Work sucked, man.  He knew his friends were going […]

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Written by: Loren Ipsun

Welcome to Hell: Try the Adventure Package!

This was it.  He was going to Hell.  He pulled his bag off the conveyor belt and looked up his gate on the monitors.  Unsurprisingly, […]

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Written by: Loren Ipsun